App Store Optimization (ASO) Services Company

App store optimization is the process, which helps in getting higher rank of mobile apps in an app store’s search results. The higher ranking gives higher visibility and so higher downloads.

Enhance Visibility with Our App Marketing Services

  • The App Marketing Service based on a crucial understanding of your target customer base and depends on the keywords your potential customers are using to find apps similar to yours.
  • App name and title is important aspect for getting higher traffic towards your app. So choose carefully the name of app and title.
  • Description of the app should be precise and informative so that target audience can understand the benefits of app.
  • Subtitles, field names etc. should be specific and according to requirement of business. It should not be more than requirement.
  • Multilanguage support is essential if target audience is based on multilingual speaking areas.
  • Rating depends on the user friendliness and usefulness of the app and higher rating always helpful to get maximum downloads.

Our Approach to App Store Optimization

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Keyword Research for ASO

To improve your search rankings, we use relevant and specific keywords and most often used by your target audience. We carefully analyse after doing research and select keywords for the App Marketing Service. So first we understand your target customer base and business objective to finalize the keywords.

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App Title

Placing the keyword in the title is brought the heaviest search traffic. We suggest good quality app name and title for getting higher traffic towards your app and business. So, choose carefully the name of app and title. We do research and suggest useful keyword for apple title.

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App Description

App description should focus on explaining the features and benefits of product. First line of the description should be impressive. Description of the app should be precise and informative so that target audience can understand the benefits of app. This is an opportunity to tell target audience why they should download it.

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App Reviews & Ratings

Whether it is App Store and Play Store on ratings and reviews are of greater level of importance than ever before. Apps with higher ratings and reviews rank high in search. Higher in search makes app more visible and has a better chance to be downloaded. The more downloads the more customers and more high in the rankings.

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App Logo

Logo or Icon truly represents or provide an overview of the key functionalities of the app. The app icon is the first thing that a potential customer notices about the app. It must intrigue, and capable of generating curiosity among audience. It is pictorial representation of brand. For creating a great first impression, we provide options of quality app icons.

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App Screenshots

App screenshots play a critical role in conversion rates significantly which, in turn, impacts your organic growth. Target audience always try to look for relevant images to understand the functionalities without downloading the app. So, we advise to create guidelines-based screenshots for the app stores.

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App Owner

Give authentic and proper details of the company which owns the app. For communication provide contact No. and emails to the users to let them convey their positive and negative feedback to you instead of other forums. Such details also generates faith among users and gives you the option to improve your app timely.

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App Category

Application categories provide a way to quickly identify characteristics of an application. App categories organize them into stores. It makes it easier for users to filter their searches based on the app's functionality. Choosing the right category for the app increases visibility, attracts quality traffic and, consequently, improves conversion numbers.

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Download & Retention

User acquisition is vital and important for the success of any new mobile app and retaining those users are even more important. Retention rates are measured starting from the day after a user doesn't return to the app and enable to understand app's performance over time. Loyalty of users is important, so give them small benefits to keep them engaging with your app.

Get Expertise of IOTtech for App Store SEO

Research and implementation

We do research and use relevant and specific keywords according to target audience and utilize those in App Title, App description. We take careful analysis of competitive app in the same fields and their performance to keep your app at top level.

Representative Logo, Screenshots & Ownership

We develop most suitable logo or Icon, use most speaking screenshots to convey the audience best qualities of the app and to generate curiosity among audience. Sometimes pictures speak louder than words. Giving all the required details of owner of the app generates trust.

Three R: Reviews,
Ratings & Retentions

Ratings and reviews are of greater importance and these gives higher ranking in search. Higher ranking means higher visibility. Which is visible, is marketable. Retention is the indicator of success of your app. So, we help you to analyse to keep high retention factors.

Our Pricing Package Comparision

Globally incubate next-generation e-services via state of the art technology. Appropriately iterate quality.




Number of Key Phrases Optimized

Upto 10 Upto 15 Upto 20 Upto 25

Website Initial Technical Analysis

On-Page SEO Recommendation & Suggestion

Keyword Research & Analysis for Keywords finalization

Initial Rank Report status

Competitive Analysis

1 Competitor 2 Competitors 3 Competitors 4 Competitors

App Localization

1 Language 2 Language 3 Language


App Store Optimization

App Title Optimization with keywords

App Description Optimization

App Keywords Optimization

Google Play for Android

iTunes for iOS

Windows Store for Windows Phone

BlackBerry World for BlackBerry

App Icon

App Type & Category Selection

Screenshot Your App & Include a Demo

Include a Google+ Plugin

App Ratings & Reviews

App Downloads


Image Promotion & Submission

Genuine Review Posting

Customer Reviews/Ratings Submissions

1 3 5 10

App Downloads

3 10 20 30

Local Classified Live URL Social Bookmarking

5 20 30 40

Local Business Listing/ Citations

2 7 10 15

Local Business Listing Live URL Bookmarking

5 20 30 40

Article Profile Creation

1 3 5 10

Article Optimization & Submission

1 3 5 10

Share Live Article on Social Media Networks

10 30 50 70

Infographics Creation & Posting

2 3 4

Share each Infographic on social media networks

Blog Creation & Posting

1 4 6 8

Blog Live URL Social Bookmarking

5 20 30 40

Search Engine Submission

5 15 20 30

Fortnightly work update

Rank reporting and stats reporting


Promote App link on Social media network

Facebook APP Video Promotion

Back-links creation

PR & Blogger Outreach

10 20 30 40

Screenshot Your App & Include a Demo

Social Media Marketing


Google Analytics Report

App Installations Report

Monthly Work Accomplishment Report


Customer Support

Email, Chat, Phone